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WM-Ware Support Engineer-Praha 4-mezinárodní tým

Hlavní město Praha
Plný úvazek 45.000,- až 50.000,-

Náplň práce

You are taking over the responsibility of checking systems and backups on various operating systems in our datacenters in Vienna / Linz / Prague / Turkey (Istanbul and Izmir) and at client sites in Austria and Eastern European countries.
You are taking over the responsibility to maintain systems on O/S and if feasible database and / or application basis level.
You are taking over the responsibility to maintain ESX servers as well as virtual servers.
You are responsible to streamline the surveillance of your systems and reduce the amount of time spent for those systems by automating day-2- day tasks.
Selection of systems and application will be done based on your knowledge and experience.
You are part of a team currently operating about 300 virtual and physical servers – about half of them being Windows based and the other half being Linux based. Those are run at SLAs up to 99.95% availability in a clustered multi-datacenter environment