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Ústí nad Labem (Ústecký kraj)
Plný úvazek Od 35000 CZK do 40000 CZK

Náplň práce

Our company would like to hire the new part of the Sales Team within Customer Team - a Sales Administrator with very good english and german language:

* The information collected and provided will link to commercial negotiation in order to support the profit improvement of the company
* You have to provide the right information at the right time to the different stakeholders (internal and external)
* Propose business case to Sales Manager for validation
* Depending of the complexity, manage the commercial negotiation with the customer
* In case of capacity fluctuation (requested or suffered), propose business case for validation
* B2B Portal responsibility
* In charge of complete RFSO process (Request for Sales Orders - Prototypes)
* Tooling and Development invoicing process
* Collection of the Purchase Orders at OEM and check of the prices